Welcome to Ubunye

Welcome to the NEW UBUNYE UNIFORMS (PTY) LTD interactive website.

We are very excited to not only be at the forefront of the UNIFORM SERVICE INDUSTRY, but to also be very much a leader in our field of expertise - being uniform supply, countrywide.

We ARE one of the first uniform companies to acknowledge the changing demographics of our country and make a meaningful contribution towards Black Economic Empowerment (B.E.E), hence meeting the criteria in all aspects and at the same time ADDING VALUE TO YOU  as an esteemed client, by meeting with the criteria that you require to meet the demands of the New South Africa. Our equity partners play an active role in the day to day running of UBUNYE UNIFORMS (PTY) LTD  and add value in their specific fields of expertise.

In striving to remain as the leading uniform supplier in South Africa, we continually look to add value to you as a client. To this end, we are very proud to offer an on - line ordering system that will add a huge amount of value to you as a client. Please enquire about our on-line system and lets get together to show this to you. A huge cost saving and added value opportunity awaits you! Another first in the industry is the on - line facility to enable you to design your own colour scheme of uniforms with our templates, in the various colours, giving you the flexibility in the comfort of your home office, to design any new ideas you may have - before getting us in to discuss this in detail.